Sara Coppola: A Lesson in Embracing Grief

I was honored to connect with writer Sara Coppola through Hope*Writers, a community of working writers. On this Veterans’ Day, Sara joins us to reflect on grief as a military wife and on turning toward your sorrow as a pathway to flourishing. The year 2011 was a time of major loss for my husband Paul.Continue reading “Sara Coppola: A Lesson in Embracing Grief”

Easter Mourn: Holy Saturday

On this Holy Saturday, we pause to grieve the crucified, dead and buried Jesus. “Mourning [is] indispensable for the journey to Easter joy.” As we wait for the grave to open, we remember those we have loved and lost who, with us, await Jesus’ return in resurrection power. Today, I’m over at Christianity Today reflecting onContinue reading “Easter Mourn: Holy Saturday”

Poetry Friday: “Good Friday”

I have nervously approached this Good Friday. I carry a different sort of grief this year as I watch Jesus go to the cross on my behalf. Death feels painfully close. Because of Jesus’ death, Rob lives in Him; this is cause for rejoicing. Yet today, I remember that this hope I possess came atContinue reading “Poetry Friday: “Good Friday””

“A channel in my self-bound soul”

Today, on Maundy Thursday, the church remembers the last supper Jesus shared with his disciples before his death, the meal at which he washed his friends’ feet. Maundy Thursday is one of the final stops on our journey through Holy Week. There’s a feeling of inevitability that hangs over this day. Everybody knows this momentContinue reading ““A channel in my self-bound soul””

On St. Patrick’s Day

The first year Rob and I were married, his Irish relative flew across the pond to visit. She had connections in the States and arrived in Illinois just in time for St. Patrick’s Day. A gregarious woman, she determined that Rob and I needed a taste of a real Irish celebration, so we bundled intoContinue reading “On St. Patrick’s Day”